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Upcoming Events

DEF åbne arrangementer

Arrangementer for medlemmer af Dansk Elektrokemisk Forening og andre interesserede.

Open events for members as well as non-members of the Danish Electrochemical Society.


DEF konferencer

Konferencer afholdt af Dansk Elektrokemisk Forening. Ikke-medlemmer kan deltage til en højere pris end medlemmer.

Conferences by the Danish Electrochemical Society. Non-members can participate, but at a higher price than members.


Andre arrangementer

Arrangementer der ikke er organiseret af Dansk Elektrokemisk Forening, men som kunne have interesse for medlemmerne. Forslag til nye events kan e-mailes til This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it..

Events not organised by the Danish Electrochemical Society, but that could by interesting for the members. Please forward your suggestions of events to add to the calendar to This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it..
