Patterned Organic Thin Films
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ventes at tage 45 minutter. Derefter er der foredrag ved prof. Gunther Wittstock,
Dept. of Pure and Applied Chemistry and Institute of Chemistry and Biology of
the Marine Environment, Oldenburg, Germany. Wittstock vil tale om mønstring af
organisk tynd film og elektrokemisk scanning mikroskopi. Wittstock har
forsknings interesser inden for organisk tynd film på uorganisk substrat,
self-assembly på overflader, elektrokemi og kombination med klassiske
overfladeanalyse. Efter foredraget vil der være øl og vand.
Patterned Organic Thin
Films: Reactivity Imaging from Micrometer towards Nanometer Size Regimes with
Scanning Electrochemical Microscopy
Gunther Wittstock
Carl von Ossietzky University
Oldenburg, Dept. of Pure and Applied Chemistry and Institute of Chemistry and
Biology of the Marine Environment, D‑26111 Oldenburg, Germany
Scanning electrochemical microscopy (SECM)
has become an indispensable tool for the characterization of reactivities at
interfaces. Among the reactions that have been studied by this technique are
reactions of immobilized enzymes and other biomolecules [1]. The analysis is
based on the detection of redox active species generated by an immobilized
enzyme though conversion at the scanning ultramicroelectrode (UME). This mode
is called generation-collection mode. Alternatively one can use the UME to
locally produce a cofactor for an enzymatic reaction and observe the cofactor
consumption of the enzyme by a change of the amperometric current at the UME
(feedback mode).
In addition to localized analysis SECM
instruments was used as tools for microstructuring [2]. The special advantage
of such surface modification protocols are twofold: They can be applied in
aqueous buffers, an environment that maintains the activity of delicate
biochemical surface layers. By switching between microstructuring and
reactivity imaging the success of individual preparation steps can be analysed
forming the basis for the rational optimization of such processes.
Self-assembled monolayers (SAM) of
alkanethiolates on gold can form a passivating inert film. By patterning such
layers, a surface template can be formed into which enzymatically active layers
can be immobilized. Patterned SAMs have been prepared by microcontact printing
[3] and localized electrochemical desorption using SECM. By combination of both
approaches complex patterns become available that contain two or more enzymes.
Reaction chains and cofactor recycling between different active regions can be
studied as a function of the pattern layout at such specimens [4].
The experiments described above have been
performed in the micrometer range, i.e. the UME electrode used as local probe
has diameters of 10-25 micrometer. Its extension limits the lateral resolution
to about the same size. A much higher lateral resolution is needed for several
application like the investigation of fuel cell catalysts. Such experiments
require smaller probes, still having a suitable geometry. Rather extensive
experiments in conjunction with digital simulations using the boundary element
method (BEM) allowed to optimize an etching and coating procedure to give
nanoelectrodes suitable for such experiments. Furthermore, SECM experiments in
the nanometer regime require a mechanisms for guiding the UME in constant
distance over the specimen surface because the surface roughness it at least in
the size regime of the UME itself. In our setup the mechanism of a scanning
tunneling microscope (ECSTM) is used to obtain topographic information of the
sample. This information is then used position the UME in the SECM experiment
G. Wittstock, Fresenius J.
Anal. Chem. 2001, 370, 303-315.
T. Wilhelm, G. Wittstock; Electrochim.
Acta 2001, 47, 275-281.
2. T. Wilhelm, G. Wittstock, Langmuir 2002, 18, 9486-9493.
T. Wilhelm, G. Wittstock, Angew.
Chem., Int. Ed. Engl. 2003, 42, 2247.
T. H. Treutler. G. Wittstock, Electrochim.
Acta 2003, 48, 2923.