Julemøde torsdag
den 2. december kl. 19.00
Til årets juleforedrag afprøver vi ny teknik med et foredrag transmitteret
direkte fra Nortwestern University, IL, USA. Julemødet holdes torsdag den 2.
december kl. 19.00 på DTU, bygning 204 stuen, kollokvierummet. Foredragene
vil være om AC impedans målinger til undersøgelse af tynd film og bulk keramisk
materialer samt et om undersøgelse af korrosion af stål i beton. Der vil her
være en mulighed for at opleve hvordan, det på det seneste meget omtalte,
”E-learning” eller ”det virtuelle klasseværelse” virker i praktisk.
Efter foredraget vil der traditionen tro blive serveret en ikke virtuel
gløgg og æbleskiver.
E-learning – konsortiet på DTU vil I anledning af
Julemødet i Dansk Elektrokemisk Forening uden
omkostninger for DEF forestå transmission af to miniforelæsninger fra, Northwestern
University, Evanston, IL, USA. Til Danmark henholdsvis Lyngby samt evt. andre
steder. Den samledes varighed af de to miniforelæsninger vil være ca. 60
minutter – hvert efterfulgt af en verbal dialog fra deltagerne på DTU og samt
evt. andre steder. Forelæsningerne foregår således symmetrisk, men med en
tidsforskel på 7 timer mellem Danmark og USA. Forelæsning vil finde sted i
Bygning 204 (stuen) kollokvierummet.
Per Møller
På vegne af E-learning – consortium.org på DTU
An introduction to: AC
Impedance Spectroscopy to Electrically Characterize Ceramic Bulk and Thin Film
Thomas O. Mason
BS, Ceramic
Science, Pennsylvania State University, University Park, PA, USA
Materials Science and Engineering, Massachusetts Institute of Technology,
Cambridge, MA, USA
Deering McCormick Professor of Teaching Excellence, Northwestern University,
Evanston, IL, USA
Spectroscopy (AC-IS) can be employed in the study of composites. In matrices which are ionic conductors, at least two arcs are observed. The low
frequency arc is associated with
electrode processes and is the realm of Electrochemical Impedance
Spectroscopy (EIS). The high
frequency arc provides important
information regarding bulk phenomena—ionic transport and dielectric response. When highly conductive second phases like particles or
fibers are added, this arc becomes
further subdivided into two arcs.
We have demonstrated that much information can be obtained by
thorough analysis of the two “cusps”
(electrode-bulk 1 and bulk 1-bulk 2). In this talk, we consider
several examples: 1)
particulate cement-based composites, 2)
fiber-reinforced cement-based composites (FRCs), and 3) a procedure for determining the conductivity of ceramic particles
of moderate conductivity (via a
“powder-solution-composite” or PSC approach). In the case of FRCs,
considerable information is available
regarding fiber alignment, segregation and/or
clumping. Using the PSC apparatus, conductivities of novel p-type transparent conducting oxides have
been successfully measured.
Corrosion of Steel in
Concrete - AC Impedance Spectroscopy for Quantification of the Effect of Rebar
Surface Treatments.
Andre Küter
Civil Engineering, RWTH Aachen University of Technology, Aachen, Germany
Structural Engineering, Chalmers University of Technology, Gothenburg, Sweden
Candidate, Management of Reinforcement Corrosion, DTU-Byg and IPL, Lyngby,
the world concrete is the most widely used construction material in buildings
and civil engineering structures. Most concrete structures have performed
satisfactory over many decades, but there are still an unacceptable large
number of concrete structures that deteriorate prematurely. It has been
estimated that at least 50% of Europe’s annual construction budget is currently
spent on rehabilitation of existing structures. This figure will increase as
structures from the infrastructure boom of the 1970’s start to require repair
and refurbishment. Measures to reduce the costs of maintenance and repair of
concrete structures are therefore in growing demand.
corrosion is the most important deterioration mechanism, with regard to costs
and consequences. Steel is normally protected in concrete due its high
alkalinity; corrosion is e.g. initiated by chloride ions.
In the
above mini lecture André Küter from DTU will inform about his research work in
the group of Professor Mason, where AC Impedance Spectroscopy is used for the
Quantification of the corrosion of rebars.